
Our Customer Testimonials

Happy, satisfied customers are our TOP PRIORITY at dreamauthentics.com

Please take a minute to read through what few of our many actual customer quotes to see how much fun people are having all over the WORLD with our products. We have a GLOBAL customer list from across the United States to Hong Kong, Australia, Canada and Ireland to name a few.

We strive to provide prompt and friendly responses to all questions about our game cabinets. We have been in business long enough to know our customers make our success and the service we provide STARTS as soon as you receive your ULTIMATE DREAM ARCADE machine.

We hope to eventually add you to our growing list of satisfied customers!

Happy gaming…

  • Chris T, Switzerland
  • Marc ,Coatesville, PA
  • Jason A , Fort Myers, FL
  • John Z , Denville, NJ
  • Matt Omaha, NE
  • Rich Hall Indianapolis, IN
  • Gary Oakville, Ontario Canada
  • Jack New York, NY
  • Rod C. Oshawa, Ontario Canada
  • Ben R. Sharp Salisbury, NC
  • Brad L. The SuperGroup Atlanta, GA
  • Mitch Willard, Ohio
  • Roy, Palatine, IL
  • Nick Dublin, Ireland
  • Michael Webster, NY
  • Bob C Philadelphia, PA
  • Rich Frederick, MD
  • Jeremy L Canton, GA
  • Bret and Deanne L. Akron, OH
  • Tony Columbia, MD
  • Charles W Keller, TX
  • Jose B. Barcelona, Spain
  • Ernst Zollikerberg, Switzerland
  • Steve Bernardsville, New Jersey
  • Kevin Livingston, New Jersey
  • Natalie Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Douglas Plymouth, Michigan
  • Ben Westerville, Ohio

15 or 20 years ago there were a lot of arcades but unfortunately since the arriving of Sony’s Playstation 1 they slowly became extinct. I always liked to play the old arcade games like Pac Man or Asteroids because they were simple and straightforward. And with the development of Mame and PC based classic game collections it was suddenly possible to play them at home on an personal computer. But the feeling and glory of an real arcade machine was still missing.

So i decided to build my own arcade cabinet. After several months reading through different forums i came to the conclusion it’s not that easy to build a cabinet from scratch… and you need some time to build it… i mean a lot of time… but as usually time is money… and i don’t have much time left in my life because i have a company to look at… so i decided to buy a real good one.

But now the troubles starts… almost all cabinet builders only sell they’re arcade machines with a standard 8-way 6 buttons configuration and with a cheap marquee and (if you’re lucky) a small side art and somehow poor building quality (because the cheaper the price the more you can sell!!!). But i dreamt of an high quality machine with different types of joysticks, spinners and buttons and individual sideart and marquee… to name it with one sentence “an unbelievable dream machine to play them all… like years ago in the good old days” and if you would like to have a dream machine than there is only one company on the world where satisfaction is guaranteed…. and that’s DreamAuthentics.

I wanted a killer machine and they built me one ( maybe they can add a photo of my cabinet). When i told them my wishes there were no words like… sorry we can’t do this or that…. there was only one statement from Rick and this was “yes we can”. Several times i changed my mind referring the configuration of the control panel but never… really never somebody at DA complained about my changes…. and we have to be honest… you have to walk through the desert to find a company like Dreamauthentics… because that’s real first class customer service.

At the end when the cabinet was finished and ready to ship i was concerned how will DA managing it to get this marvellous and heavy built cabinet to Switzerland? But when a huge massive wooden box arrived at my home my concerns flew away. There were no scratches or broken joysticks… it was packaged by real pros.

So my advise for all those game freaks who want real high quality don’t look around… there is only one company in the whole wide world for your own dream arcade cabinet and that’s DreamAuthentics from Ilinois. Thanks to Rick, Renee, Dan and all the others at DA who made my dream came true.

Let me share some of the background of my purchase. I wanted to surprise my family for Christmas with something a little different so I decided a life size arcade would be as different as I could get.

I searched the web and had been to what seemed like hundreds of sites before I came across DreamAuthentics. To say I was impressed by your product after all the research I did would be an understatement.

Now I had a BIG problem, I had taken so long trying to find the right product that it was now only TWO WEEKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS. This apparently wasn’t even an issue with DreamAuthentics. Within a week, they had helped me choose the best product, decide on which shipping method to use and had the game delivered in plenty of time to meet my Christmas deadline. Needless to say, my family was shocked when they woke up to see the arcade sitting in our living room. It has been our favorite family activity since then.

The arcade itself is extremely well constructed and really easy to use. My six year old son learned to use it in a matter of minutes. I can’t describe just how cool this product really
is and how much it feels just like you are back in a video arcade from the 80’s.

The thing that really impressed me the most about DreamAuthentics was their level of customer service and that is really hard to do. I have worked for the past 15 years for a financial institution that has built its business to one of the largest in the world by providing superior customer service as opposed to advertising and DreamAuthentics has demonstrated that they can even surpass my expectations.

They respond so quickly to e-mails that I found myself actually taking longer to answer their questions then they took to answer mine.

You would think that this was all just leading up to the sale but it went well beyond that. It’s been almost 2 months since I received the arcade and I still receive the same level of service from them as I did when I was just getting ready to purchase the product. Even when it’s the most basic of questions because I’m being lazy, they provide a quick and friendly response.

The bottom line is that this is a great company with a great product and bunch of great people that work for them. This is the best money I have ever spent and anyone would be foolish to even consider buying from another company.

Thank you very much DreamAuthentics!!!

I was like a lot of the testimonials here where I was game junkie, if I had a quarter in my pocket, I’d bike to the local arcade and you’d here the “click” of my quarter on the glass for “next game.”

In my 30’s, I never really connected with the consoles but I did like computer games but who has the time for a 20-30 hour session these days.

Then I found classic arcade emulators. All the arcade greats online. I downloaded them and tried to play them on my PC but it wasn’t the same. Who likes playing classic arcade games on a computer keyboard???

Then I purchased a true USB gaming standalone control panel with joysticks, spinner, trackball, and all the buttons you’ll need. Still, it’s doesn’t really work well on a PC for the size of the console.

Then I started researching stand up arcades.

Now, I just built a contemporary game room in the South Beach Theme with a full bar, plasma TV, pool table (with wood that matches the bar), tech lighting and a complete stainless/granite theme. I tried to get my computer to play classic arcade games through the plasma HD television but the RESOLUTION NEVER WAS RIGHT and wouldn’t be with a widescreen SO DON’T BOTHER TO TRY AND WASTE YOUR MONEY OR TIME…THEY ARE NOT ARCADE ACCURATE AT ALL.

My challenge was this:
1. Purchase a gaming cabinet that plays all the games I grew up with.
2. Don’t make it look like some cheaply built arcade cabinet with a big hokey cartoon graphic on the side or with some childish colors on it.

I did an exhaustive search around and found that any of these packaged units with about 20 or 30 games you see at at the retail stores look cool, but they only play a FEW games, they are proprietary and the quality of construction isn’t there. Plus they cost about $3,000 and you need pay around $500/each for a new game bundle for just a FEW more games.

It may be fun for a few weekends but ultimately, it will just collect dust. Controls aren’t accurate and cheap, the screen isn’t at the right angle, and they only have a few games, compared to the open system you can buy from DreamAuthentics.

Well, DreamAuthentics DID IT! I called the 800 number and told them what I was looking for and we agreed that this was going to be as much of a showpiece, as a gaming cabinet, and it needed to last for years. Who puts some cheap cabinet next to plasma with a granite bar… no one ! We decided to go with the Excalibur cabinet with all optical stainless steel joysticks and solid black buttons to keep with the contemporary feel of the room.

I didn’t want a simple black cabinet so we worked with their art department and custom designed blue lighting bolts to cover the entire sides of the cabinet and control panel so it matched my Addams Family pinball machine. Let me just say that your JAW DROPS when you see it. My mcahine is posted on the DreamAuthentics website it was sooo cool.

My friends, who have similar game rooms, walk up to it and ask what game is this? I answer, “Any game you want it to be!” We load up whatever their passion is and they grab a hold of the cold stainless joysticks and it’s over. They’re hooked for the night. They ask if I have their favorite game…I tell them Absolutely! “Listen my friend, we have them all, you name it, I have it.

Girls want Ms PacMan, guys want Street Fighter, and we have all of them.” “What about the new Tiger Woods 2007 like on PlayStation?”, they ask. “Well this is a computer or PlayStation inside here so any game you can buy on the PC or PlayStation, we can play it!”

As their gaze looks back at the screen flickering in the exact resolution of the ORIGINAL ARCADE MONITOR they remember, the most common response is,“UNBELIEVABLE”

Not to mention all the questions and e-mails I gave to the DreamAuthentics staff were responded to within hours.

The custom cabinet took about 5 weeks so you need understand that this is not a mass produced cabinet with cheap materials. You pick everything from the computer, video card, arcade monitor, joysticks, buttons, graphics package, and layout.

There is NO company that can deliver this product, with this quality, and this customer service in the industry.

I’ve researched them all it this is IT! Buy yours and happy gaming !!!!

If you are looking for an arcade game for your home, stop right here. You’ve found it. There is nothing better than a home video arcade cabinet, and no one makes them better than DreamAuthentics.

My wife and I wanted an arcade cab for our game room, but any single game would get boring after time. So we started looking for a multi-game system. But which one? I’ll save you a lot of research. I’m a computer programmer and worked in my uncle’s arcade as a teenager, so my standards are pretty high. I wasted a lot of time researching these machines, mostly due to staff at game vendors who

1-didn’t understand the product
2-didn’t want to take the time to tell me about it
3-didn’t want me to figure out how lacking their machines are

Arcade Legends – You’ve seen it on the web and in the trendy sharper image style catalogs. Check out the angle the screen is mounted at. Horrible. You have to stuff your head into the cabinet to play it. Also uses a 5 year old CPU (1ghz Celeron). Games have to be bought from them in upgrade packs (typically $500 for 30 games). If your favorite games are not available? Too bad. The Ultracade – The upmarket version of the Arcade Legends, has a better selection of games, slightly faster CPU, but NO MORTAL KOMBAT! You have to be kidding me. Their release schedule for games is a complete mystery. If you want more proof that these are poor machines,

Check out their owner’s forum on their site. Tell me if these look like happy people.

Actually, from the upset people on those forums is where I found out about multi game home arcade cabinets. I sent a few inquiries to some of the various cabinet makers. Most looked shady, some looked like they were building them out of their garage with aftermarket parts, and I was not surprised when most of them didn’t even respond. DreamAuthentics responded within an hour (One vendor actually responded to my initial inquiry after I had already RECEIVED my machine from DreamAuthentics.) I pounded him with questions for three days and got rapid fire answers. The few questions I had after the machine arrived were answered just as quickly.

We ordered the UltraQuad, for four player fun. The machine is solidly built and looks fantastic. DreamAuthentics makes a big deal of how simple the machines are to use, and this is very true. But just as important, they are powerful machines that can be as complex as you want. I immediately went to work with custom menus and set-ups, finding all kinds of neat tricks I could make the machine do.

The parts are all standard arcade parts, easily replaceable if something should break, but I really don’t see that happening. These things are made to take a daily pounding, and that’s what it gets at my house (and no, we don’t have kids). EVERYONE who comes over, plays. It is the ultimate entertainment addition to any home. People who “don’t like games” because they’re “not any good at them” love being able to throw in free quarters and join in the fun. Wives and girlfriends who hate games leave saying “we’ve got to get one of those!”.

And the games. The ability to play whatever games you want. Some nights we spend more time digging through the lists of games then actually playing them. Games for everyone.

That’s actually the best part. When people come over, see the cabinet and say, “Wow! What game is that?” Answering “What game do you want it to be”?

BTW – The ultimate accessory for the UltraQuad. I had to get 4 bar stools in the same colors as each player’s controls. It looks great!

Don’t repeat my mistake in trying to build your own cabinet. About three years ago I decided to buy an arcade game for my recreation room.

While researching different machines I decided it would make more sense to have a machine that could play hundreds of games rather than just one. The more I researched the easier it “SOUNDED” (key words) to build my own machine and hey I would be saving myself a few hundred bucks.

I set out buying all the necessary components for the cabinet and the control panel. SIX MONTHS LATER I had a working control panel and a “SHELL” of a cabinet that LOOKED HORRIBLE.

My cabinet worked about half of the time, due to my less than stellar job of connecting the controls and my wife wouldn’t allow me to keep it in the open because it looked so bad.

I kept saying that I would finish the wood work on my cabinet and make it look nice…well about 2 months ago I realized that my skills at wood working were so limited that it would be impossible to salvage the cabinet and I set out to find a different solution.

Fortunately, that is when I came across DreamAuthentics. Every site I went to people were raving about the quality of their cabinets. I contacted the and explained my situation. They understood (apparently they hear stories like mine often) and set out to find the best solution for me.

I wanted to use my own computer as it already had the games I played loaded on it. DreamAuthentics worked out a deal where I could purchase the Eladius cabinet and they would install my computer into it and then ship it to me.

When the cabinet showed up it looked AWESOME!

The craftsmanship was top notch and the follow-up service was excellent!

When people first see our DreamAuthentics game cabinet they are amazed how nice it looks and shocked when I tell them it can play any game they can imagine.

If I would have made the decision to go with DreamAuthentics 3 years ago I could have SAVED MYSELF A LOT OF TIME, MONEY and FRUSTRATION.

Everyone has heard it before, but it is true…YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.

Thanks Dream Authentics!

With two small boys at home I wanted to get a game that had a huge number of options they could play but also wanted to have space in my entertainment room. The unit I purchased despite having 4 player capabilities still fits in the corner of the room neatly.

With over 800 employees the days can be a bit stressful and the machine has been a great relaxation tool. Usually workout then play a few games and just feel rejuvenated and ready to go.

The game has been fun for the family, myself, and friends when they are at the house. Definitely would recommend this unit to others.

After much deliberation, I purchased an Excalibur unit about six months ago, hoping that it would add to our recreational time with family and friends. I have been blown away by the amount of fun and excitement the MAME unit has added to our home. I have two daughters – aged five and six – who seem to enjoy the retro games more than I do. We spend a lot of time playing with and against one another as well as the pleasure of exploring many games on the menu trying to find a “new” one to learn all over again.

Being Canadian, I was also leary of the customs, duty, shipping, and support concerns that went along with the purchase. There was not a single problem with the shipping process and the after sales support I have received from Dream Authentics has been outstanding. The machine pretty much runs itself, but like all computers there is the occassional “hiccup” that needs to be addressed – I have only had to use Dream Authentics on-line documentation and telephone / e-mail support once, and my experience was fantastic.

It took a long time for me to make the decision to go ahead with the purchase – let’s face it, it is not a small amount of money. But I can honestly say in terms of pure fun and family entermtainment, the MAME machine from Dream Authentics is definitely the best money I have ever spent.

It all started on Thanksgiving Day when I was home with the family surfing the net because I had wanted an Arcade cabinet built exactly to my specifications and NO COMPANYwas able to produce EXACTLY what I wanted. I found a link DreamAuthentics and started researching their capabilities and backround.

After an exhaustive search I felt I had learned enough to at least start discussions and by Thanksgiving dinner, the sales team and I had already traded several emails. Over the next week they diligently responded to every single one of my messages, working with their
incredible team of builders and designers, to get the cabinet exactly the way I needed it.

Their website provided so much detail that I was able to mock up several renderings to show what I needed. We even traded Visio schematics illustrating where I need every hole drilled for the control panel. Mind you I had dozens of specific changes needed to the normal Sting layout so this was no easy task. And all this I wanted BEFORE Christmas.

Needless to say, the unit arrived AHEAD OF SCHEDULE and it was truly a work of art.

Not only is everything built with extremely high quality parts, but everything is built extremely professionally. I was very impressed with not only the aesthetics outside, but also inside the cabinet, where everything was in place as it should be and very neatly. It was built so well I was able to easily add my own customizations, artwork, rewiring as I needed, adding and removing additional devices, and using my own CPU.

I actually would recommend DreamAuthentic’s high end CPU to those of you not wanting to spend the time investing HUNDREDS OF HOURS programming front ends and various software, but I am a true enthusiast and wanted full customization.

After some time tweaking my software and controls, I am now at a point where I can run my games the exact way I want. There are a lot of games you can buy from Atari, Capcom, Data East, Midway, Williams, and the list goes on and I recommend all of them.
One of the reasons I was drawn to Dream Authentics over most other cabinet shops was their integrity and upstanding business practices.

They can bundle several legal games for all your gaming pleasure.

I recommend DreamAuthentics on their phenomenal customer service, ability to customize a system to exact specifications, and high quality workmanship.

And I enthusiastically recommend them for all arcade enthusiasts and can honestly say I performed a RIGOROUS ANALYSIS of the competition and could not find a higher quality manufacturer. The excellent customer service was icing on the cake. Kudos to everyone at DreamAuthentics!


The DreamAuthentics experience.

It started from being a young teen in the 80’s. I spent every penny and moment playing the classic games. So to say it mildly I would say I was a video game junkie. Now moving ahead owning my own home and having a family. I already had a few arcade machines in my house but was never fully satisfied. I then heard about Mame and the possibilities of playing all the games I grew up with, I was very intrigued.

I bought a book to build your own Mame machine and thought I could do it on my own. I started reading the book on how to build the machine and the parts needed and was I feeling overwhelmed.

So I started looking around at the cabinets that were being built out there and the cost of these machines. I realized I could get a machine built for about the same amount of money as building it myself and a lot less headaches.

Then I came across DreamAuthentics web site and I kept coming back to there site. I was getting more and more serious about this machine each and every week. I contacted them on a couple of occasions asking questions. I wasn’t ready yet but everyone from DreamAuthentics was very professional when answering my questions.

Then the day came I spoke to my wife and agreed we wanted to sell my old games and buy the DreamAuthentics Excalibur machine. Well to say I was excited about the purchase was an understatement. I had a million questions as their personnel can agree. Working out the details of what to put in the cabinet and configuration. DreamAuthentics was probably one of the most professional and considerate companies I’ve seen and worked with.

They take pride in the product they sell and it shows in there customer service. May I say it was great service and would recommend them to anyone in a second.

So back to the machine as it was confirmed being shipped I was excited to get the unit in my basement and begin reliving my youth. Then it arrived in very good shape I was a little worried about it arriving ok.

All I can say is WOW!!!! what a sharp looking machine and the pictures you see on the site can’t do it any justice, the machine looks amazing. Beautiful black cabinet with trim and blue buttons(change from original setup). I think I was speeding home that night just to see the unit.

Thanks for the 12 licensed games to just get me started. I was giggling with joy when I started the machine and I’m smiling just writing about right now. I started a couple of the games and it was amazing and this was just the tip of the iceberg. Couple of days later I loaded more games and there were all the games that I played as a youth and young adult.

What an amazing feeling to see all the games that I loved playing, I spent hours just scrolling through the games and quickly trying a few. I think my machine is alive and it’s calling to me to play. To top this off I just wanting to say what an absolutely beautiful machine from DreamAuthentics. I will be using this machine for years to come and everyone in the family will be enjoying all the games we can play.

Thanks again for all your support and all my endless emails. DreamAuthentics is one of the best companies I have ever dealt with and what a wonderful product they build, I would recommend them is a heartbeat.

My wife and I were sitting in our hearth room one night looking into the living room. The living room is a beautiful room, fireplace, wood and marble floors, 25 foot ceilings, and one wall of nothing but glass. It is probably one of the nicest rooms in the house and we had never sat in it since we moved in.

Like allot of people we decorated it to be the fancy room in the house but we are not fancy people so it never got used. We then decided to change the room to something that would be useful to the family. After a few weeks of discussion we decided to make it a game room for our children. That was the beginning of the search that brought me to Dream Authentics.

After dong a LOT of research I decided to talk to the DreamAuthentics people. The staff was always helpful, never pushy, and very much straight forward. It was a big decision making such a purchase over the internet without ever seeing the cabinet in person but we went forward.

We ordered the Eladius with all the bells and whistles and then waited. After a few weeks it arrived at our door and now it has become a focal point for our household. Our children love the games and I cannot tell you how many times I have got out of bed in the middle of the night to find my wife playing her favorit classic games.

The service after the sale has been excellent also. We lost power to the house during an ice storm and when the power came back on the game would not boot up. I called DreamAuthentics and he asked me to sent him the CPU. I wasn’t real comfortable with this but he had not let me down yet. I think I sent him the unit on a Wed. or Thursday. I expected to see it back in 4 to 6 weeks. You can imagine how surprised I was when it came back to me repaired on the following Wed. Plugged it in, and have been playing ever since.

Great Unit, Great Service, Great addition to our family.

I can’t say enough good things about the DreamAuthentics crew.

My company bought an Excaliber machine for our break room. The machine arrived in PERFECT condition and was ready to play. We plugged in and have not stopped playing since!

It is such a tight package, very easy to use.

The DreamAuthentics team were very responsive and very helpful post-delivery as well, helping us figure out how to work with the machine and maximize our enjoyment. We love the machine and would recommend that anyone interested in a machine like this should call DreamAuthentics

IMMEDIATELY and ignore all of the other companies offering similar products.

DreamAuthentics is a professional, trustworthy company that stands buy their product and offers A+ customer service.

And their machines are like tanks. We play hard and this machine is rock solid. In a nutshell, we are 100% satisfied.

My Excalibur machine is absolutely jaw dropping!

I cannot believe how professionally made it is, from the awesome control panel down to the sturdy cabinet and authentic arcade components. It was great to just plug this arcade machine in and start playing games from my past that I had forgotten–It has everything!

The communication was excellent and I was walked through every step of the way including; ordering, delivery methods, set-up and technical assistance. I never felt I was on my own after the transaction was complete.

Only problem now is I have to compete with my wife and kids just to get a chance to play. Our video game consoles now just set around and collect dust.

I extremely recommend Dreamauthentics for anyone wanting a professionally built arcade machine. Quality and Service were second to none.

Thank you very much to the entire Dreamauthentics Team!

Dreamauthentics Team,
I just wanted to drop a line to let you know how happy I am with my new Excalibur arcade. My wife and kids presented me with a personal arcade as a birthday gift but told me I had to do the research and determine which arcade to purchase and from whom. Not knowing much about personal arcades I did some comparison and fourd DREAMAUTHENTICS.COM. The staff was helpful from the time of my initial questions all the way through delivery and my custom set-up.

I Love the machine! When I cam upstairs the first night after playing games for only a short time my wife asked me if the machine was broken. When I told her no and asked what made her think such a thing, she said ‘because you are up here’. She’s a real comedian.

Thanks again,

All my life I was being dragged out of arcades by my father, last night I got to send him home.

What a wonderful piece of kit – it actually delivers on every promise. I also have the added joy of being the only person in Ireland to own one so far. Despite my concerns the machine arrived well packed, wood crated and in perfect condition. Dealing with DreamAuthentics staff was a breeze both before and after – Value for money…and then some.

I now have a beautiful short list of 100 games, the only problem being how long do I play each one for.

Was on level 5 on my favorite game the other day doing great when the wife was looking for a cup of tea…I feigned deafness for as long as possible but gave in in the end. It’s such a great looking machine…full marks for all your efforts in making the machine as authentic as possible.

I am on a working holiday to Israel on Wednesday (10 days) and was really looking forward to it, but not anymore…

Do dreams really come true?

Answer: Absolutely!

Ecstatic doesn’t begin to describe the way we feel about our DreamAuthentics Game machine! Dream Authentics said they could build the arcade machine of your dreams, you did!

This system is EXACTLY like the games I played as a child, the only difference is that that I can play them over and over and over again without spending every dollar I have! I couldn’t have imagined how much we’d enjoy this system. In seconds, literally, you can go from one favorite game to the next. With the multiple options you offer for the machine, if desired I can use a flight stick or a light gun, or even a steering wheel for the classic racing games.

People are amazed at how “authentic” the games truly are. I’m still amazed and I’ve played the system for days on end! If anyone doesn’t believe what you advertise this system to do, feel free to have them contact me.

It is rare in today’s competitive market to find a company that delivers 100% on the claims of their product, Dream Authentics does! This is not just a game, think of it like a complete entertainment center for all ages. YOU GUYS ROCK! Worth every last penny, and the quality is top notch!

A couple of years ago I was looking for an arcade unit with the capability to play a lot of games on it and at the time I ended up getting Arcade Legends,which came with about 30 games or so.

It was a “decent” unit and I had a great time playing it, but as of a few months ago I started looking around again for another unit that had the ability to play more games than my Arcade Legends cabinet.

After doing my research, I settled on the Excalibur from DreamAuthentics, which has the capability to play any video game you can imagine – and they are all the old classics that I played as a kid. On top of that you can play all the newer PC games off the shelf as well. Now since I got the Excalibur I haven’t played my Arcade Legends at all – it is gathering dust now.

The Excalibur cabinet can play all of the Arcade Legend games plus MANY, MANY mores. So if I had to do it over again I would have just went with the Excalibur cabinet and that would have been more than enough. For me to purchase this many games for an Arcade Legends cabinet it would cost – well lets see $300 for an average pack at Arcade Legends and some coming close to $600 and you only get about 20 games per pack – you are looking at about spending THOUSANDS of dollars ON TOP OF the game cabinet and they still did not have all the games I wanted.

So if you are looking for a cabinet that has all the old and new games, plus a light gun for the shooting games, trackball, spinner and infinite customization, go with the DreamAuthentics Excalibur unit, you will not be disappointed, I for one couldn’t be happier

I love this arcade cabinet. I have had ZERO problems; It perfectly worked from the first time I hit the switch. My kids (five and three years old) spend as much time as I’ll let them…I make sure to send them to bed early to get my time in ;). I’ve had friends and my neighbor over to play and it blows absolutely everyone away.

Even service people (cable guy, etc.) have commented on it – no one can pass by without saying something.

Bottom line – best money I ever spent…
Even my wife has to admit it’s a ton of fun!

You know, I was sure there was some sort of fishy stuff going on here at
first, because for really about the same cost as building a cabinet (I was
actually thinking I was going to build one of these myself once apon a time,
which was using many lower quality items..and definately NOT a 27″ monitor)
you could actually have one professionally CUSTOM MADE by DreamAuthentics!!!

THIS THING IS AWSOME…and you wanna know the kicker??? My wife actually
suggested we get one of these as a First Wedding Anniversary present to each

We have the Excalibur model, and it doesnt “re-create” the feel of playing an authentic arcade game..IT ACUALLY IS PLAYING A REAL ARCADE GAME!! I can’t stress this enough. The first thing people notice when they walk into our new home is “WOW, cool arcade
game” nobody walks past it without at least two games of their favorite games!

Even my MOM is playing the thing!!! I really dont know how to say enough about
it…the company is a real class act….support is awsome…and did I mention the 27″ monitor??

Just pop into any old pizza shop and play any arcade game or something…take your wife with you.. you will be surprised how much fun it is…now picture that in you own home!!! Its really unreal!!

Thank you DreamAuthentics, and if you happen to be a wife out there reading this…YOUR HUSBAND WANTS AND NEEDS ONE OF THESE…be the cool one and actually suggest it! Guarentee he will light up like I did!

Thanks again, and Best Regards,

Being an engineer I am more than capable of building a game cabinet and configuring it.

However, I would highly recommend DreamAuthentics to anyone considering this endeavor. My DreamAuthentics Excalibur cabinet was built using the highest quality parts available and constructed in a high quality manner.

In addition, the cabinets that they offer are more than reasonably priced when compared to the inferior products their competitors offer or the amount of time that it would have taken me to construct a product of equivalent quality.

Since I am a perfectionist, there were numerous questions that I asked customer service prior to my purchase. All of my questions were answered promptly and with a great level of expertise. Likewise, customer service displayed a similar level of competency when helping me through a few minor issues after my cabinet arrived. It was apparent that DreamAuthentics is a company that takes gaming seriously.

It was also apparent that DreamAuthentics respects its customers as fellow gamers and strives to provide the best products and customer service available at any price.

I am sure that you have heard this before, but I haven’t been this excited about a purchase in a while.

It’s just that, when I was a kid, I was probably the greatest Pac Man player of all time (in my own mind).

In fact, the desire to play this game again is the whole reason this thing mushroomed into a 5K purchase, haha. But like my wife always says, “whenever you do anything, you just have to do it big, don’t you.”

My sons and I have really been having a great time with the new game machine. It’s amazing how fun the thing is when you load any game you can imagine on it!

This cab is so cool, I want to order another one. We all love it. I am very glad I ordered my cab from your company.

It must be fun to make these machines for people for a living. Thanks,

I live in Barcelona, Spain and I ordered a cabinet at www.dreamauthentics.com.
It is Impressive! Fabulous! When I start playing I go back 25 years on time!
This machine is perfectly and carefully manufactured and it is very easy to

I was worried with the european voltage. Just needed a small 220 to 120 V
700 watt transformer and all is working ok!

Concerning INTERNALTIONAL shipment, I have to say that is perfect as well. This cabinet is
carefully Packed inside a special wood case, perfectly protected with foam and wood.

All perfect! It is all I can say.

I Just wanted to let you know that I have switched on my new cabinet for the first time yesterday and everything works as expected!

No damage to the concole during the transport at all to Switzerland. It was very carefully and professionally packaged, nice!

I am very happy with it and wanted to thank you for all the good support over the last few months.

Have a nice Christmas time!! Best Regards,

They were great,they delivery men unpacked everything, brought the unit up the stairs,and moved the unit into my house and they were very carefull not to scratch the hardwood floors.
They also removed all the packing material.

I Love the machine, the quality is first rate, it is a huge hit with all my frends and a perfect addtion to the basement. You can’t lose, single game units cost just as much and this machine will have you playing new ones every day for years to come. Love it!

The Excalibur game cabinet has been wonderful. All the people at DreamAuthentics hav been a great help in getting us started with our new game and making sure that we were completely satisfied with the unit.

We have been playing our new game system for a couple of months and it has been everything that we had hoped for and more. Our friends and family that come over and play it have all had a fantastic time and have asked where they could get one. We have no problem recommending DreamAuthentics and their products to not only our friends and family but any who wish to make a purchase as we did.

Thank you for providing us with such a great service and product.

“I’ve contemplated building my own MAME cab for awhile, but finding the time was difficult. Finally, my own impatience to just play the games won out over building from scratch, and I ordered an Excalibur system. It’s awesome, especially given it’s ‘no keyboard or mouse needed’ approach, it’s custom game launcher, as well as all of the other nice features.

I really can’t say more than what is already advertised regarding the Excalibur’s features,
or what is praised in the other testimonials. However, I can add that the online documentation
explains everything you need to get started and tweak the controls to your likings.
But what has impressed me the most is DreamAuthentics customer support – every one
of my questions were answered knowledgably and my many emails were quickly replied to,
many times within the same day! Very impressive customer service for an already very
impressive system. Thank you DreamAuthentics.


I hold lots of tailgate parties, and my friends have certainly taken a liking to my machine! Talk about a blast from the past! It’s like it’s 1984 all over again… and I’m in my stone washed jeans and AC/DC shirt, plunking quarters endlessly at the arcade! The craftsmanship is unbelievable. It is just the perfect item for my basement/tavern. As someone who isn’t all that computer “literate”, it was easy to set up! You are provided with all the directions you can ever need. Thanks so much for the customer service and quick production!